Asset Ownership Disputes

Asset Ownership Disputes

Fight for the Assets You Deserve Serving in Troy, Oakland County, & Surrounding Areas

After a person dies, identifying the status of assets can be difficult. Sometimes assets are simply taken from the estate on the grounds that “Grandma always told me that she wanted me to have this ring,” or “you know Dad wanted to leave the truck to me, don’t you?” A will should identify which assets are property of the estate, which are titled in a trust, and which are joint assets that pass to a surviving joint tenant. If you are in the middle of an asset ownership dispute, get the help of experienced Troy estate and probate attorneys like the ones at Barron, Rosenberg, Mayoras & Mayoras.

Our experienced probate attorneys represent clients in cases such as:

  • Disputes about gift transfers
  • Contested ownership between a trust and a decedent’s estate
  • Undue influence, fraud or duress with respect to an inter vivos transfer
  • Survivorship rights of a surviving spouse or child with respect to real property, bank accounts, brokerage accounts, motor vehicles or other jointly-held assets
  • A claim by an heir or personal representative that the surviving signatory on a joint account does not succeed to ownership, but instead is administering an account of convenience for the benefit of others similarly situated
  • Challenges to beneficiary designations on life insurance policies, annuity policies or retirement accounts

Call (248) 213-9514 now for a free consultation.

Why Experience Matters

Resolving probate disputes can involve delicate family dynamics on top of the complex legal issues. If a claim to your property is contested, or if are acting on behalf of the estate or trust with an ownership or inheritance dispute, get the help of the Troy estate lawyers at BRMM.

You should seek legal help if you:

  • Have an interest in a decedent’s estate that seems to be missing some valuable asset
  • Are a personal representative who needs advice about resolving conflicting claims to insurance proceeds
  • Believe you have rights to money held in a joint checking or investment accounts

Call (248) 213-9514 or contact us online for assistance.

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  • Scott Robbins was very knowledgeable

    “I would highly recommend him and this firm as a whole!”

    - Lauren P.

  • Scott provided me with free consultation.

    “Thankful to this firm. If your or someone you know is in a difficult spot, get your free consultation.”

    - Dennis B.

  • I strongly recommend that you consult with Scott

    “Scott was highly knowledgeable and completely honest with us”

    - Former Client

  • They guided me through the whole process with great patience and incredible expertise

    “This firm is hands down, one of the best for elder law advice and guidance!”

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  • We are grateful for their guidance and would definitely recommend BRMM.

    “This firm has taken care of the planning for my husband and I to protect our future heirs. We are grateful for their guidance and would definitely recommend BRMM.”

    - T.H.